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Monday 7 April 2014

Unit 7 Short Questions


Unit 7 Short Questions
Directives and regulations
Trading Bloc
Visible and invisible trade
Trading Bloc
Visible and invisible trade


2013 Q9

EU Directive

  • A Law that all EU members must implement

When a directive is passed by the council of ministers then all EU countries must accept it and obey the principles of the directive

  • Must be achieved by a given date

All countries are given a date that they must implement and change their countries law to include the new Directive by.

EU Regulation

  • A Law that all EU members must obey

When a regulation is passed by the council of ministers it becomes directly applicable

  • Most direct type of law

It comes into force immediately and must be obeyed by all as soon as it is passed

2012 Q9

·         A group of countries who agree to form a free trade area

They remove trade barriers for goods and services traded among themselves.

·         Trading Barriers illuminated would include

Tariffs, quotas, embargos, and subsidies do not exist in a trading bloc.


• The European Union (EU)

• The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

2011 Q5


Invisible: services

Imports: money leaves the country, services purchased by Irish customers/residents.

e.g. financial services provided by foreign firms/ Irish residents holidaying abroad.




Balance of Trade = Visible Exports - Visible Imports

= €50bn - €30bn

= €20bn surplus


Balance of Invisible Trade = Invisible exports – Invisible Imports

= €35bn - €40bn

= (€5bn) deficit


Balance of Payments = Balance of Trade + Balance of Invisible Trade

= €20bn + (€5bn)

= €15bn surplus

2010 Q4

1             2             3             4             5

F             A             D             C             B

2009 Q10

a. The most important decision making body in the EU. Made up of relevant ministers from each EU country (changes according to topic). Each minister represents interests of their own country

  • Final Say in EU laws and budget

The council pass EU laws. Once the Parliament agree (co-decision) then the council will discuss the law and vote to pass or reject. This is the final decision on the law. They also have the power to reject the EU budget

  • Conclude international agreements

The council officially signs agreements on behalf of the EU. These agreements often cover areas such as fisheries, science, technology and transport.

  • To co-ordinate member states working together

They allow member states work together in the areas of foreign policy, security and defence


1. European Parliament

2. European Commission


EU Directive

  • A Law that all EU members must implement

When a directive is passed by the council of ministers then all EU countries must accept it and obey the principles of the directive

  • Must be achieved by a given date

All countries are given a date that they must implement and change their countries law to include the new Directive by.


The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive states that Irish retailers must allow customers to leave back their old WEEE for free when they buy new equipment from the shop.

2007 Q6

·         A group of countries who agree to form a free trade area

They remove trade barriers for goods and services traded among themselves.

·         Trading Barriers illuminated would include

Tariffs, quotas, embargos, and subsidies do not exist in a trading bloc.


1.       The European Union (EU)

2.       The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

2006 Q10


Invisible:  relates to the sale of services by a country

Exports: Money comes into the country


Example of Invisible Export for Ireland would a foreign person holidaying in Ireland



(i) Balance of Trade:

Visible Exports – Visible Imports= 8-7 = €1 billion


VE: 19-11= 8

VI: 16-9= 7

(ii) Balance of Payments:

Total Exports – Total Imports = 19-16 = €3 billion


1. The European Parliament - Elected by the citizens of the EU to represents their interests in decision making. There are over 700 members in Parliament, known as MEPs. Each member represents interests of the EU

2. The Council of Ministers - The most important decision making body in the EU. Made up of relevant ministers from each EU country (changes according to topic). Each minister represents interests of their own country

3. The European Commission - Made up of commissioners who are given different responsibilities. Each commissioner represents interests of the EU

4. The Court of Justice - They apply laws to all EU countries. Each judge represents interests of the EU
2002 Q7

CAP: Common Agricultural Policy

PLC: Public Limited Company

EU : European Union

ROI : Return 0n Investment

PRO: Public Relations Officer.

Final term scheme of work

6th year Plan for term 3


Work to be completed
Monday 28th April
Short Question Exam 32 minutes
Tuesday 29th April
General Questions Exam 1 hour 36 minutes (runs 20 minutes into lunch)
Wednesday 30th April
Arrive 2 minutes early from break
Case Study Exam 32 minutes
Friday 2nd May
Corrections of this week’s exams
Tuesday 6th May
General Questions Exam 1 hour 36 minutes (runs 20 minutes into lunch)
Wednesday 7th May (LCVP Exam)
Short Question Exam 32 minutes
Friday 9th May
Case Study Exam 32 minutes
Monday 12th May
Corrections of last week’s exams
Tuesday 13th May
11.15- 2.15 Full Mock Exam
Check with your teacher for 1.40 class if it is ok to miss class

Easter Homework

6th Year Easter Homework

Date April
Work to be completed
Monday 14th
Unit 1 (2 hours)
Read book p1-62
Read Notes Copy
Go over questions done in class for revision of unit 1
Tuesday 15th
Unit 1 mock questions (36 minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 2 4 minutes
Case Study(B) 8 minutes
General Question 1 24 minutes
Wednesday 16th
Unit 2&3 (2 hours)
Read book p63-152
Read Notes Copy
Go over questions done in class for revision of unit 2&3
Thursday 17th
Unit 2 & 3 mock questions (52minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 6 4 minutes
Case Study(A) 12 minutes (C) 12 minutes
General Question 4 24 minutes
Friday 18th
Unit 6 (2 hours)
Read book p357-428
Read Notes Copy
Go over questions done in class for revision of unit 6
Saturday 19th
Unit 6 mock questions (28minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 1 4 minutes
General Question 2 24 minutes
Monday 21st   
Unit 5 (2 hours)
Read book p267-356
Read Notes Copy
Go over questions done in class for revision of unit 5
Tuesday 22nd
Unit 5 mock questions (56minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 4, 8   8 minutes
General Question 6 and 7  48 minutes
Wednesday 23rd
Unit 4 (2 hours)
Read book p153-266
Read Notes Copy notes given (Put into notes copy)
Go over short questions done in class for revision of unit 4
Thursday 24th  
Unit 4  mock questions (36minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 3, 5, 10   12minutes
General Question 5  24 minutes
Friday 25th
Unit 7 (2 hours)
Read book p429-474
Read Notes Copy notes given (Put into notes copy)
Go over short questions done in class for revision of unit 7
Saturday 26th
Unit 7  mock questions (32minutes)
Timing is of vital importance
SQ 7, 9   8minutes
General Question 3  24 minutes