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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Unit 1 Revision 2013 / 2014

People in Business

Long Question 1


Tuesday 7th January class1

Tuesday 7th January homework

Wednesday 8th January class

Wednesday 8th January homework

Friday 10th January class

Friday 10th January homework

Saturday 11th January homework

Sunday 12th January homework

  1. Discuss the relationships between consumers and producers? 15 marks 6 minutes
  2. Describe a competitive and a co-operative relationship between two producers in the same line of business, use examples 15 marks 6 minutes
  3. The relationship between an enterprise and its stakeholders may be competitive or co-operative.  Discuss this this statement using examples. 15 marks 6 minutes
  4. Describe using examples, one co-operative and one competitive relationship that may exist either between or within organisations. 20 marks 8 minutes
  5. Explain using examples the relationship that exists between investors and entrepreneurs  15 marks 6 minutes
  6. Illustrate the role of interest groups in business 10 marks 4 minutes
  7. Describe what is meant by Discrimination as set out under the terms of the Employment Equality Act 1998.  List five distinct grounds under which discrimination is outlawed under the Act. 20 marks 8 minutes
  8. Evaluate the role of the Director of Equality Investigations in solving conflicts in business. 20 marks 8 minutes
  9. Under the terms of the Unfair dismissals Act 1977/1993 illustrate
    1. The grounds for dismissal that are deemed unfair 20 marks 8 minutes
    2. The grounds for dismissal that are deemed fair 20 marks 8 minutes
    3. The methods of redress for an unfair dismissal,  15 marks 6 minutes
    4. The procedures for dismissal 20 marks 8 minutes
  10. Evaluate the main provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 2007 in protecting consumers 20 marks 8 minutes
  11. Evaluate the role of the office of the Ombudsman for Public Service 15 marks 6 minutes
  12. Under the terms of the Industrial Relations Act 1990 explain:
    1. Define trade dispute 10 marks 4 minutes
    2. Outline the provision for picketing 15 marks 6 minutes
    3. The reasons for a legitimate trade dispute 20 marks 8 minutes
    4. The reasons for an illegal trade dispute 15 marks 6 minutes
    5. The provisions for organizing industrial action 15 marks 6 minutes
  13. Evaluate the role of the Labour Court in dealing with industrial disputes 20 marks 8 minutes
  14. Outline the impact on trade unions of the main provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1990 20 marks 8 minutes
  15. Describe two types of official industrial action a trade union can undertake as part of a trade dispute 10 marks 4 minutes
  16. Describe how conflict between an employer and an employee could be resolved in a non legislative manner 15 marks 6 minutes
  17. Describe how conflict between an employer and an employee could be resolved in a legislative manner 15 marks 6 minutes
  18. Describe how conflict between a consumer and a retailer could be resolved in a non legislative manner 15 marks 6 minutes
  19. Describe how conflict between a consumer and a retailer could be resolved in a  legislative manner 15 marks 6 minutes
  20. Discuss the rights of the consumer under the terms of the sale of goods and supply of services Act 1980 20 marks 8 minutes
  21. Illustrate the forms of redress available to consumers for breach of the ale of goods and supply of services Act 1980 15marks 6 minutes
  22. Evaluate the Small Claims court 15 marks 6 minutes
  23. Evaluate the Employment Appeals Tribunal 15 marks 6 minutes
  24. Evaluate the Labour Relations Commission 20 marks 8 minutes
  25. Explain the term data protection under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1988 / 2003 10 marks 4 minutes
  26. Discuss :
    1. the role of the Data controller 15 marks 6 minutes
    2. the rights of the Data subject 15 marks 6 minutes
    3. the obligations of the Data protection commissioner 15 marks 6 minutes
  27. Evaluate the role of the NCA in protecting consumers 20 marks 8 minutes
  28. Define contract and Illustrate how invitation to treat is not a valid contract 20 marks
  29. Illustrate the remedies for breach of contract 15 marks 6 minutes
  30. Illustrate the methods to terminate a valid contract 20 marks 8 minutes
  31. Illustrate the elements of a valid contract 20 marks 8 minutes
  32. Illustrate the term constructive dismissal 10 marks 4 minutes
  33. Explain the role of any 2 people in business 15 marks 6 minutes
  34. How can business lessen the likelihood of an industrial conflict 20 marks 8 minutes
  35. Illustrate the difference between arbitration and conciliation 10 marks 4 minutes
  36. Identify types of industrial problems between employers and employees 20 marks 8 minutes
Short Questions based on unit 1
4 MINUTES per question
  1. 2013Q2 NCA, Q7 Unfair dismissal
  2. 2012 Q2 words and terms
  3. 2011 Q7 types of industrial action
  4. 2010 Q9 Fair dismissal
  5. 2009 Q8 Contract -elements
  6. 2008 Q2 Contract - invitation, Q9 discrimination
  7. 2007 Q5 contract -element, Q8 relationship
  8. 2006 Q2 consumer 
  9. 2005 Q1 contract - element
  10. 2004 Q1solving conflict
  11. 2002 Q1solving conflict
Start with Q11 and work back

Know each of the following:

Unit 1 case study questions:

Peter Palmor