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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Marketing Unit 5


Customer Satisfaction

It involves:

·    Having the right product

·    At the right price

·    In the right place

·    Using the right promotion
 See a clip defining Marketing

Define Marketing 

·         Marketing is about customer satisfaction
It involves identifying target markets needs and wants
·        Marketing involves Market research
A business must carry out desk and field research to find out exactly what customers want
·        Marketing involves getting the right marketing mix
The right product
In the right place
At the right price
Using the right promotion

Market Segmentation

Markets can be divided up into groups.
Each group have something in common
They are known as a segment of the market.

Business should identify which segment they want to target

Read 21st Century Business Book p301
Define Market Segmentation
·      Splits a market
o  Demographic      
o  Geographic
·      Identifies a specific target market
·      Increase Sales
o  If target a neglected segment
·      Lower costs
o  Avoids spending marketing budget to consumers outside the target market
Be able to expand on each point
2009 Q 7 b

Target Market
The total number of potential customers they can sell to.
Business may target by:
·      Gender ( males or females)
·      Age (children, teenagers etc)
·      Location (City, Country)
·      Time of year (Christmas, Easter, summer etc)
·      Hobbies (football, dance etc)

Identify the target market for the following product:









 Watch the following clip to see what happens if you do not listen to your Target Market

Niche Market 

Small subset in a target market

Willing to pay high prices for goods

Marketing Strategy / Plan

·       Marketing plan is a predetermined course of action
A marketing plan is prepared for a marketing event in the future
·       Sets out steps for a business to achieve their marketing goals
A marketing plan provides the business with a focus and guides them to achieve their marketing aims
·       There are different elements to a marketing plan
Market research
Marketing mix
Marketing budget
Benefits / advantages of a marketing plan / strategy
·        Streamline Operations
Marketing Planning is important to set the Business working together to achieve common goals and objectives.  With a good marketing plan everyone will be clear on how to satisfy customer needs.
·        To gain financial assistance.
In applying for an EU / Government grant, a bank loan or private investment a Business must provide a marketing plan to prove they are focused on the customer and have researched all necessary areas.  Financial institute will also want evidence that they will get a return on their investment.
·        Encourages staff to accept change
A good clear marketing plan will help employees accept changes in the business marketing.  Business should include staff in this planning process.  If staff is involved they will have a clearer understanding of the plan and will be more willing to accept it.
·        Failing to plan is planning to fail.
A Marketing plan gives a business clear aims and objectives.  It can highlight present internal marketing Strengths and Weakness and external future marketing threats and opportunities.
·        Achieve goals
Marketing Plan can help a business achieve short term specific goals.  It will give relevant stakeholders a guide on schedules of time and required marketing actions.
 2007 Q7 b


Market Research involves:

·       Researching the market
o  Desk and Field research can both be used by business to find out about the target market in order to ensure customer satisfaction and make a profit
·       Gathering the information
o  Business can use desk research and collect data already available or carry out the research relevant to their product using field research.
·       Recording the information
o  Database (Microsoft Access) can be used to store and manipulate data collected
·       Analysing the information
o  Evaluate the feedback gathered.

Why is Market Research important? 

·       To find out what product the consumer wants
·       To find out what price the consumer will pay
·       To find out what place to sell the product in
·       To find out what promotions the consumer is interested in

2009 Q7 A

·       Market research is important to ensure the right product for the consumer
Find out in advance what products consumers like and don’t like.  Product ideas that get favourable reactions can be developed further.
 Internal reports can help business research products that sell well.
Similarly package and design are important to consumers. 
Consumer panels can test alternatives on consumers and get feedback that will help the product sell well.
·       Market research is important to help set the right price
Price is important to maximise revenue.  Too low can mean loss and too high may discourage consumers.
Business can use the WWW to see what competitors charge for similar products.
·       Market research is important to decide what place to sell the product
The product must be in a place accessible to the consumer. 
A business could use Government publications such as the census to see where the majority of their target market is located and where they shop in order to sell goods in the right place.
·       Market research is important to create the right promotions
It can assist in selecting the right advertising, sales promotions, PR and personal selling the customer expects.
A business might use observation to see what sales promotions attract consumers to buy particular goods

Marketing Mix

Learn about the 4 P's of the Marketing Mix Lady Gaga style

Every product has its own mix.  The business must have:
1. The right product
2. In the right place
3. At the right price
4. Using the right promotion

1. Product

·         Brand name
·         USP / design
·         Lifecycle
·         Package

Product should have a brand name.  Brand name helps us to identify the product.
Think of brand names you would associate with each of the following:

Product Type

Vacuum Cleaner

Correction Fluid

Breakfast Cereals

2010 Q7 (c)
Brand names
When a business gives a product a name / symbol, this makes it easily identifiable and stands out.
·      Price charged
Business: Well known brands can charge high price
Customer: They associate quality with brand and will pay high price
MAC charge €18 for lipstick.  Customer know this lipstick is high quality and will pay.
Now you finish the



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