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Monday 27 January 2014

Unit 3 - Management Revision Questions


Unit 3 Questions

Monday  27 th January class

Tuesday 28th January class

Tuesday 28th January homework

Wednesday 29th January class

Wednesday 29th January homework

Friday 31st January class

Friday 31st January homework


Long Question 4

1. Evalute the contribution that stock and credit control make to the successful management of a business.  Use examples in the answer. 20 marks 8 minutes
2. Describe how stock and quality control achieve efficiences in business. 20 marks 8 minutes
3. 'Controlling is the most important management activity' Do you agree with this statement. Support your answer with examples. 20 marks 8 minutes
4. Evaluate the motivational theory of McGregor.  20 marks 8 minutes
5. Describe how McGregors theory is used by managers. 10 marks 4 minutes
6. Analyse the implications for a business of a manager adopting a theory x approach to managing.  20 marks 8 minutes
7. Evaluate the motivational theory of Maslow. 20 marks 8 minutes
8. Describe how Maslow's theory is used by managers. 10 marks 4 minutes
9. i. Explain Maslows Theory of Motivation
ii. Illustrate how a manager could motivate workers by applying Maslows theory in the workplace.  20 marks 8 minutes
10. 'Organising is the most important management activity' Do you agree with this statement. Support your answer with examples. 20 marks 8 minutes
11. Define organising.  Illustrate the importance of organising for the success of a business.  20 marks 8 minutes
12. Discuss the benefits of a functional organisational structure in a business.  Refer to chain of command and span of control in your answer.  20 marks 8 minutes
13. Draft a report to the Managing Director of Limited Company to outline the barriers to effective communication and offer recommendations to overcome the barriers.  20 marks 8 minutes
14. i. Explain the term delegation.
ii. Describe the benefits of delegation for a manager. 20 marks 8 minutes
15. Write a letter to the Managing Director of a company explaing the benefits of ICT to business 20 marks 8 minutes
16. Draft a typical agenda for, and the minutes of, the AGM of a limited company.  25 marks 12 minutes
17. Asume you are the secretary of a local youth club.  Draft the notice and agenda to be posted to all members of the youth club notifying them of the AGM. 10 marks 4 minutes
18. On average managers spend 75% of their time communicating.  Explain the factors that ensure managers communicate effectivley.  Use examples. 25 marks 12 minutes.
19. Discuss the importance of good communications between the levels in a business organisation 20 marks 8 minutes
20. Illustrate the factors that a business needs to consider when communicating with its various stakeholders.  20 marks 8 minutes
21. Distinguish between the duties of a chair person and a secretary in organising and running an AGM 20 marks 8 minutes
22. Discuss 3 styles of leadership 30 marks 12 minutes
23. Outline 2 styles of leadership and illustrate how each of these styles may be appropriate in different business situations 20 marks 8 minutes
24. Illustrate the importance of management skills in any one of the following areas:
Local Community
Government Department
Business Start Up
20 marks 8 minutes
25. Evaluate how 2 different types of planning contribute to the success of a business or a community enterprise.  Use examples in your answer.  20 marks 8 minutes
26. i. What is meant by SWOT analysis
ii. Conduct a SWOT analysis on a business of your choice under each heading.  Include 2 points under each heading.  20 marks 8 minutes
27. Read the following information and answer the question which follows: EducaPrint Ltd is a business publishing schoolbooks in Ireland. John O'Leary, the production Manager, suggested introducing some of its traditional print books in eBook format. He wanted to tap into the improvements in broadband speed and the major developments in mobile devices. The ebooks were launched onto the market in 2013 to great success. EducaPrint Ltd operated a matrix organisation structure for the development of the eBook products.
 Discuss the importance of the management activity 'planning' for EducaPrint 20 marks 8 minutes
28. Outline the benefitts and challenges for EducaPrint of a matrix organisation structure for the development of the eBook products.  20 marks 8 minutes
29. Outline under the Data Protection Act 1988:
i. The rights of the data subject 20 marks 8 minutes
ii. The obligations of the data controller 20 marks 8 minutes
iii. The functions of the Data Protection Commissioner 20 marks 8 minutes
30.  Contrast the role of manager and an entrepreneur 20 marks 8 minutes


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