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Monday 31 March 2014

Unit 5 Short Questions

Unit 5 Short Questions

True or false
Break Even Analysis
Product development
Break Even Analysis
Market Research
Break Even Analysis
Break Even Analysis

True or false
1. False
2. False
4. False
·         Inorganic expansion
A merger involves  two businesses join together to form one larger, stronger business.
·         In a merger the businesses join together permanently.
This is a long term agreement between the businesses and control is shared
Irish Permanent and TSB merged to for PermanentTSB
·         Organic expansion
Franchise is Natural, slow internal expansion
·         The franchise is controlled by the franchiser
This is when an original owner (franchiser) grants permission to other entrepreneurs (franchisee) to use their idea, as they created it for a fee.Supervalu is a Franchise
Break Even Analysis
BEP in
Units: 10,000
in euros € 450,000
Profit at Forecast € 125,000
·                     The business has made enough revenue to cover all costs
When the business passes the breakeven point it then enters the margin if safety.  The business makes a profit at this stage.
Product development
Prototype development
·         Producing 1 working unit of the product
This cycle is the only method for refining the original design to create a fully functioning product
·         Can be a lengthily and costly process
Test Marketing
·         A type of field research
Assess potential customers reactions to the trial product.  Selling a limited number of products to the market
·         Changes can be made after this
It can be used to see whether or not the public will buy the product, how the product may need to be adjusted
to make it appealing to the public, and how members of the public interact with the product.
Break Even Analysis
Break even point in units- 4,000 units
Break even point in euro-€40,000
(ii) Profit at forecast sales- €30,000
(iii) Margin of safety- 6,000 units
Market Research
·         Research based on secondary sources of information
 research that has already been conducted by others.
·         Internal and external sources of information may be used in desk research
Internal Sources of Information: Company Reports, Management Accounts, Marketing Plan,
Company Strategy, Customer Feedback etc
External Sources of Information: Websites (e.g. for financial information,
Irish Finance Portal), Reports from state agencies (e.g. CSO, Enterprise Ireland, ESRI, FÁS),
Example: The total number of cars sold in the first quarter of 2009 can be found through the
research conducted and published by the CSO or Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI).
·         Research based on primary sources of information.
Field research (primary research) seeks to discover new detailed information about the target market.
·         Market research methods used may include:
 Questionnaires Observation Sampling Personal Interviews etc.
Example: Car dealership checking satisfaction rating of customer purchasing new car in
relation to car and experience of dealership may use questionnaire
Job Production
Refers to the production of a single customised product
Worker: skilled
Cost :Expensive
Machinery : often done by hand
e.g. a bespoke oak kitchen, wedding dress etc.
Batch Production
Refers to the production of certain quantities of identical products at the same time/in one production run
Worker: semi skilled
Cost :less Expensive
Machinery : flexible machinery
e.g. loaves of bread, school textbooks etc.
Medium Source Leasing
·         Matching principle
The length of the finance should match the life of the product.  Expect to have the van 1-5 years before needed an upgrade
·         Upgrade to latest model
With leasing it is easy to change the product (Van) without changing financial position.
Break Even Analysis
Break Even Chart
Label 1
Fixed Costs
Label 2
Total Costs
(Fixed and Variable)
Label 3
Total Income/Revenue
(Income from Sales)
Job Production
The product is produced to a specific customer order. It is a once-off production unit. It is not produced to be held in stock. High level labour skills are required.
Example Wedding dress
Batch Production
The production is not continuous. The batch may be repeated again in time. A certain number, quantity or group of products is made at the one time.
Example: the baking of bread.
Mass Production
Production of huge numbers of the same products. There is non-stop continuous production of identical products. Produced for stock and then sold.
Example: toilet roll
·         A market study conducted to research the viability of a product/business idea
It assesses the viability of a business/product proposal. The study is conducted in such away as to confirm or otherwise the possible success of a product/idea in a target market.
·         A feasibility study attempts to answer questions like:
Should the product be produced or the service provided?
Will the sales increase and by how much?
How much will it cost to develop? Can the business afford it?
When, and to what extent, will the profits of the enterprise rise because of the new product?
Break Even Analysis
Label diagram

Unit 5 general questions answer guide

Unit 5 General Questions



1. As part of its feasibility study for a new product, Moore Ltd supplies the following financial information:

Forecast Output (Sales) 40,000 units

Selling price per unit €20

Fixed Costs €300,000

Variable Cost per unit €10

i. Illustrate by means of breakeven chart the following:

a. The breakeven point

b. Profit at forecast output

c. The margin of safety output

ii. Outline one other function of a feasibility study for Moore Ltd. 25 marks

Diagram done on sheet

Feasibility Study

·                     Field Research

A type of Market Research that will help a business decide if a product or service are financially viable.  A business can carry out feasibility studies on their staff, if their product is environmental etc.

2.Motor Manufacturing ltd is considering the introduction of a new product. The business has provided the following figures:

Forecast Output (Sales) 30,000 units

Selling price per unit €15

Fixed Costs €200,000

Variable Cost per unit €5

i. Illustrate by means of breakeven chart the following:

a. The breakeven point

b. Profit at forecast output

c. The margin of safety output

ii. Explain Margin of safety

30 marks

Diagram done on sheet

Margin of Safety

·                     The business has made enough revenue to cover all costs

When the business passes the breakeven point it then enters the margin if safety.  The business makes a profit at this stage.

3.If the Marketing Mix is to succeed, it must be based on customers needs and must support the required image for a particular product or service.

Analyse, for a product or service of your choice, the elements of the marketing mix. 35 marks

Name product: Coca Cola Lemon and Lime 250ml bottle

·         Brand Name
Coca Cola is a well established brand and this will help the launch of the new flavour
·         USP
Lemon and Lime flavour
·         Stage in lifecycle
This is a new product at the Introductory stage of the lifecycle (Illustrate)
·         Package
Coca Cola using their
distinguishable shaped  bottle and label.  The bottle maintains the fizz and the label gives facts and information about the product
·         Strategy used
·         How price is set
·         Channel of distribution used
·         Places to sell
·         Advertising
·         PR
·         Sales Promotions
·         Personal Selling


4.Paula and Thomas have recently returned to Ireland having worked with transnational companies for ten years. They wish to set up in business together in Ireland manufacturing a range of new organic breakfast cereal. Paula has particular expertise in production and finance and Thomas in marketing and Human Resource.

Draft a business plan for this proposed new business using 5 main headings, outlining the contents under each heading. 40 marks

Business Plan

A predetermined course of action



o   Type of product

Organic Breakfast Cereal

o   Target market

Health conscious / Green consumer


o   Name


o   Work Experience

ü  Worked in Transnational for 10 years

ü  Production and Finance

o   Name


o   Work Experience

ü  Worked in Transnational for 10 years

ü  Marketing and Human Resources



o   Market Research

§  Desk

– based on media many consumers are becoming health conscious

-          Increased interest in organic products

§  Field

-          Survey of 1000 people showed 75% would prefer to buy organic

Marketing Mix

§  Product           

Organic Breakfast Cereal

·         Brand

We will create a brand name to reflect the product

·         USP


·         Stage in lifecycle


·         Package

Recyclable box with image of cereal

§  Price

·         Strategy

Penetration pricing

·         How it is set

Examination of competitor’s prices

We are selling to a niche market

We are new to the market

Price will b set at €3.50


§  Place

o   Channel of distribution

We will sell direct to retailer

o   Where to sell

Health shops

Super Valu stores

Superquinn stores

§  Promotion

o   Advertising

Health magazines

Trade fairs

o   Sales Promotion

Free taste in store

Money off 2nd purchases

o   Personal Selling

We will call to each retailer and persuade them to stock our brand

o   Public Relations

We will be a sponsor of the 2013 Tidy Town competition


o   Method of production

§  Method


·         Type of worker

Semi skilled workers

·         Type of machinery

Flexible machinery


o   Sources

§  Short term

Creditors – stock

Overdraft – pay wages

§  Medium Term

Leasing – Van and premises

Term Loan - Equipment

§  Long term

We would like to establish as a Private Limited company and sell shares and eventually purchasing our own premises.


o   Cash Flow




Signed:                       Paula


4. Michael Kelly is 29 and a graduate with an engineering degree. He has been working in the area of Research and development in a large TNC since graduation. He has a desire to work for himself and feels that the time is right to form his own company in his home town producing electronic parts for domestic appliances. He has asked you to help him write his business plan.

A. Explain the importance of a business plan 20 marks

B.Draft a Business Plan for Michael Kelly's venture under 5 main headings. State relevant assumptions where necessary. 40 marks

5. What is a Business Plan?

Explain its role in business start up 20 marks

Business Plan

A predetermined course of action

A plan sets targets for the future of the business

o   Helps the Business to Face the future           

It gets the entrepreneur to set out the objectives of the business and the strategies by which they will be achieved.  This will guide the entrepreneur towards success                      

o   Assists the business in Identifying weaknesses

See internal problems in the here and now.  They can then eliminate such weakness and turn them into strengths.


o   Helps the business to Raise capital               

A plan will impress investors when seeking finance.  The plan will be used to judge whether the idea is commercially viable


o   Motivates the business staff

A plan shows employees what needs to be achieved and how they can achieve this.  It gives employees something to aim for.


7. Outline the benefits of preparing a business plan. 10 marks

o   Face future  

It gets the entrepreneur to set out the objectives of the business and the strategies by which they will be achieved.  This will guide the entrepreneur towards success                      

o   Identify weakness

See internal problems in the here and now.  They can then eliminate such weakness and turn them into strengths.


o   Raise capital  

A plan will impress investors when seeking finance.  The plan will be used to judge whether the idea is commercially viable

8. What is a Marketing Plan?

Evaluate the role such a plan can have for a business 20 marks

Marketing Strategy / Plan

·         Marketing plan is a predetermined course of action

A marketing plan is prepared for a marketing event in the future

·         Sets out steps for a business to achieve their marketing goals

A marketing plan provides the business with a focus and guides them to achieve their marketing aims

·         There are different elements to a marketing plan

Market research

Marketing mix

Marketing budget


o   Helps the Business to Face the future Marketing needs       

It gets the entrepreneur to set out the objectives of the business and the strategies by which they will be achieved.  This will guide the entrepreneur towards success          

In my opinion facing future marketing needs is important because.......


o   Assists the business in Identifying marketing  weaknesses

See internal problems in the here and now.  They can then eliminate such weakness and turn them into strengths.

In my opinion identifying marketing weaknesses is important because.......


o   Helps the business to Raise capital for marketing projects              

A plan will impress investors when seeking finance.  The plan will be used to judge whether the idea is commercially viable

In my opinion raising finance for marketing is  important because.......


9. Within the product element of the marketing mix evaluate product design and product packaging. 20 marks

Every product, as part of its marketing mix, should identify its:

·         Brand name

·         USP / design

·         Lifecycle

·         Package

Product Design

·         Every product design should have something unique about it. 

Something that makes it stand out from the rest of the products it is competing with.

Every product should have a Unique Selling Point (USP).

In my opinion having something unique is important because .............

·         Business must make sure this design complies with the law

The design should

o   Make sure the product is of Merchantable quality

o   Make sure the product is fit for purpose

In my opinion complying with the law is important because ..............

Product Package

·                     Attractive to the consumer

The packaging used on the product must be eye-catching.  It must make the product standout from competitors.  The package will help portray the image of the product

In my opinion attractive packaging is important because .............

·                     Protect the product

Products can go through various channels of distribution before it finally arrives with the consumer.  Appropriate package will make sure the product arrives in its original form

In my opinion protecting the product is important because ............


10.Deirdre Moloney hopes to start up her own business selling cosmetics and personal beauty products aimed at the consumer market. She has approached you as marketing consultant for some marketing advice.

Explain to her the significance of 'packaging, branding and product life cycle. 30 marks


·                     Attractive to the consumer

The packaging used on the product must be eye-catching.  It must make the product standout from competitors.  The package will help portray the image of the product

This is significant to Deirdre because .......

·                     Protect the product

Products can go through various channels of distribution before it finally arrives with the consumer.  Appropriate package will make sure the product arrives in its original form

This is significant to Deirdre because .......


·                     When a business gives a product a name / symbol, this makes it easily identifiable and stands out.

Consumers associate products with brands.  When travelling consumers tend to look for a brand they are familiar with.  Many consumers stay brand loyal

This is significant to Deirdre because .......


·                     Helps determine the Price charged

Well known brands can charge high price.  Consumers associate quality with brand and will pay high price

This is significant to Deirdre because .......

Life Cycle

Diagram done in class

·         A business must know what stage the product is at in the lifecycle to assist with:

                                I.            Pricing

                              II.            Places to sell

                            III.            Promotions

This is significant to Deirdre at the introduction stage of lifecycle because .......



·         A business can prolong its lifecycle using

                                I.            Pricing

                              II.            Where you sell

                            III.            Promotions

This is significant to Deirdre at the introduction stage of lifecycle because .......

11. Draw and label the 'product life cycle' diagram.

Illustrate the methods a business could use to extend a products life cycle. 25 marks

Diagram done in class

·         A business can prolong its lifecycle using

o   Pricing

Reducing price to a more competitive price can keep consumer interest

o   Where you sell

Making sure the product is accessible to consumer will prolong its self life

o   Promotions

Using advertising, Sales promotion, public relations and personal selling will remind the consumer the product still exists

NB Apply examples to each point

12.'Many businesses spend large sums of money developing a brand name'. Illustrate the benefits of branding for the business and the consumer. 25 marks

·         When a business gives a product a name / symbol, this makes it easily identifiable and stands out.

Consumers associate products with brands.  When travelling consumers tend to look for a brand they are familiar with. 


Business : Vacuum cleaners are very often referred to as Hoovers because of the popularity and success of the hoover brand.

Consumer: Know the brand Hoover and that is reliable.


·                     Helps determine the Price charged

Well known brands can charge high price.

Business : make more profit for example MAC charge high prices their products

Consumers: associate quality with brand and will pay high price, consumers know MAC is a high quality brand

o        Establish Brand Loyalty

When consumers become familiar with a brand they stay loyal and keep returning to purchase that brand

Business: return customers, Barry’s Tea would have a very loyal customer base

Consumer: Know they are getting what they want, Consumers like the taste of Barry’s tea so keep purchasing it

·         Easier to introduce new products

13.In the case of a particular product/service of your choice, evaluate the role of (i) Advertising (ii) Public relations (iii) Personal selling 30 marks

14.Evaluate 3 promotional methods for a product or service of your choice 30 marks

Promotional Mix

If consumers don’t know a product exists then they cannot buy it.  A product will not sell unless people know about it.

Product Coca Cola 250ml bottle

1. Advertising

o   Types of advertising differ with products

The main types of advertising are Reminder advertising, informative advertising, persuasive advertising, generic advertising and comparative advertising.

Coca Cola use reminder advertising a lot to let consumers know that their well known brand is around.

In my opinion selecting the right type of advertising is important for Coca Cola because they are at the maturity stage of the product lifecycle and they want to make sure consumers remember their product

o   Medium used depends on the target market and budget available

The main advertising media include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards and direct mail.

Coca Cola have a large target market and a large advertising budget, for these reasons they can afford prime time television advertising.  They would also use colourful magazine and billboard adverts in prominent positions

In my opinion selecting the right medium for advertising is important for Coca Cola because they want to reach as many consumers as possible and they want people to see their product and hear about it.

2. PR

o   Builds an image that reflects the company

Public perception of a business is very important.  Public service activities makes the public admire the efforts of a business.

Coca‑Cola Foundation recently provided a grant for ‘Sport for Life’.  The ‘Sport for Life’ project will target 100 schools and 3,000 pupils in areas of greatest disadvantage with the aim of educating pupils on the health benefits associated with physical activity.

In my opinion reputation is important for Coca Cola because consumers expect large business to give back to the community.

o   Targets customers

Sponsoring events and causes that are known to consumers will appeal to the target market.  Consumers who follow events or celebrities may purchase a product based on this.

Taylor Swift endorses Coca Cola, this in turn would attract a teenage girl market.  Coca Cola Sponsor the Olymic Games and this would attract a sporting target market

In my opinion target market is important for Coca Cola because they mass produce their product and want to reach as many markets as possible

3. Personal Selling

o   Gives knowledge and expertise

Consumers will require as much information as possible about a product before they purchase it.

Coca Cola have sales team that will call to retailers with facts and figures about coca cola and why they should stock it

In my opinion expert advice is important for Coca Cola to give because retailers may not realise coca colas popularity and sales potential

o   Face to face selling

Salespeople meet with customers and persuade them to purchases the product

Coca Cola sales teams would visit new retailers, restaurant, public houses etc and convince them to stock coca cola over competitors.  .

In my opinion face to face selling is important for Coca Cola because it is always harder to decline business to somebody’s face .

15. Evaluate Sales Promotion and Public Relations as forms of promotion. 20 marks


o   Builds an image that reflects the company

Public perception of a business is very important.  Public service activities makes the public admire the efforts of a business.

Coca‑Cola Foundation recently provided a grant for ‘Sport for Life’.  The ‘Sport for Life’ project will target 100 schools and 3,000 pupils in areas of greatest disadvantage with the aim of educating pupils on the health benefits associated with physical activity.

In my opinion reputation is important because consumers expect large business to give back to the community.

o   Targets customers

Sponsoring events and causes that are known to consumers will appeal to the target market.  Consumers who follow events or celebrities may purchase a product based on this.

Taylor Swift endorses Coca Cola, this in turn would attract a teenage girl market.  Coca Cola Sponsor the Olymic Games and this would attract a sporting target market

In my opinion target market is important because they mass produce their product and want to reach as many markets as possible

Sales Promotions

o   Incentives to buy more

Competitions (more they spend the more times they can enter), loyalty cards (more they spend more points they get), 3 for 2 offers are all aimed at a consumer to buy in bulk.  Offering the consumer a promotion will make they want to avail of that offer and buy more than planned.

Coca Cola sell multi packs to encourage consumers to buy several bottles of coke rather than 1.

In my opinion incentives are important because it encourages higher sales for the business and attracts consumers to the product

o   Encourage consumers to buy now

Free samples (trial of the product), money off vouchers (discount coupons), free gifts (gift on purchase) and merchandising (displays) are aimed to get the consumer to spend their money now rather than at a later date.

Coca Cola use free samples in stores, offering tastes of coca cola and often compare it to competitors.  They also use merchandising displaying cold cans of coca cola close to cash register.

In my opinion getting consumers to buy now is important because it keeps the business cash flow in a surplus.

16.Outline the factors a business should consider when choosing a suitable Channel of Distribution. Provide examples 20 marks

·                Costs

If a product is job produced and carries a high price tag.

Direct Channel

·                Production methods

If a product is mass produced and it would be too difficult for the manufacturer to distribute to all stockists

Traditional Channel                 

·                Type of goods / shelf life

If a product needs to be used immediately as it is out of date soon after production

Illustration done in class

·                Convenience for consumer

If consumers want easy access to the product






17Deirdre Moloney hopes to start up her own business selling cosmetics and personal beauty products aimed at the consumer market. She has approached you as marketing consultant for some marketing advice.

Explain the term Channel of Distribution and recommend a suitable one for her business. 10 marks

Channel of distribution

o   The product must be available in the right place for the consumer to access it.

Consumers want convince and want to get the product easily

Deirdre must consider where her consumers shop and would purchase her product

Diagram done in class

Deirdre should consider approaching local chemists and getting them to stock her new beauty range. 

18 Outline and illustrate the term niche market 10 marks

·         Small subset in a target market


·         Willing to pay high prices for goods


·         Example

19.Explain the advantages for a business enterprise of adopting the marketing concept. 15 marks

·         Marketing concept puts focus on customer satisfaction

It involves identifying target markets needs and wants

·         Marketing concept involves getting ahead of competitors using Market research

A business must carry out desk and field research to find out exactly what customers want

·         Marketing concept involves getting the right marketing mix

The right product

In the right place

At the right price

Using the right promotion


20. Olympian Ltd is a company that produces a range of high quality branded sportswear. Following a lengthy market research process, the firm is now expanding its business to include a new range of Hoodie Tracksuits, aimed at the teenage market.

Outline the stages involved in the development process of the new range of hoodie tracksuits 20 marks

1.      Idea Generation

a.      Internal ideas

b.      External ideas

Apply case

2.      Product Screening

a.      SWOT

Apply case


3.      Concept Development

a.      USP

b.      Paper – Business Plan

Apply case

4.      Feasibility study

a.      Viable

                                                              i.      Commercial

                                                            ii.      Environmentally

                                                          iii.      Financially – Break – even analysis

Apply case


5.      Prototype

a.      1 sample

Apply case

6.      Test Marketing

a.      Produce a limited number of units

Apply case

7.      Product Launch

Apply case

21.Deirdre Moloney hopes to start up her own business selling cosmetics and personal beauty products aimed at the consumer market. She has approached you as marketing consultant for some marketing advice.

Explain to her the stages in the development of a new product / service 20 marks

1.      Idea Generation

a.      Internal ideas

b.      External ideas

Apply case

2.      Product Screening

a.      SWOT

Apply case


3.      Concept Development

a.      USP

b.      Paper – Business Plan

Apply case

4.      Feasibility study

a.      Viable

                                                              i.      Commercial

                                                            ii.      Environmentally

                                                          iii.      Financially – Break – even analysis

Apply case


5.      Prototype

a.      1 sample

Apply case

6.      Test Marketing

a.      Produce a limited number of units

Apply case

7.      Product Launch

Apply case

22.Kilronan ltd produces a range of chilled food products. Made from natural ingredients, the firm's award winning products have become household names. It is now one of the leading brands in Ireland and supplies all the major supermarket chains. Kilronan ltd is considering either a merger or a takeover as methods of expansion within the Irish market. It is also considering how it will finance growth.

Distinguish between debt and equity capital as sources of finance for the expansion of Kilronan ltd. 15 marks


The main aim of a commercial business is to make profit. A business can make profit by growing and becoming larger, more successful business'.

  • Repayments

Equity: The business does not have to pay this back until the business is closed down. The business does not have to pay dividends unless it makes a profit.


Debt: Business must pay back at set times with interest. If a business fails to repay loans it could go bankrupt.


  • Control

Equity: Shareholders make decisions and have power to make changes in the business


Debt: The lenders do not want to run the business they are just giving finance and have no other role


  • Gearing position

Equity: gives business a low gearing position. The original owners may lose their control to other shareholders.


Debt: gives business a high gearing position. This may mean it is difficult to get further loans in the future



23. Discuss, using examples, the factors a manager should consider when selecting sources of finance for expansion. 20 marks

24. Evaluate Debt and Equity Capital as sources of finance for business expansion. 20 marks

  • Repayments

Equity: The business does not have to pay this back until the business is closed down. The business does not have to pay dividends unless it makes a profit.

Debt: Business must pay back at set times with interest. If a business fails to repay loans it could go bankrupt.

  • Control

Equity: Shareholders make decisions and have power to make changes in the business

Debt: The lenders do not want to run the business they are just giving finance and have no other role

  • Security

Equity: Shareholders do not require security, they take a financial risk investing their money

Debt: A loan will require collateral and if the loan is not repaid the business risk losing this fixed asset.

  • Gearing position

Equity: gives business a low gearing position. The original owners may lose their control to other shareholders.

Debt: gives business a high gearing position. This may mean it is difficult to get further loans in the future

25. Discuss two possible challenges associated with starting a new business. 10 marks

·       Sourcing Finance



·         Establishing yourself on the market



26. Outline the internal and external sources of new product ideas for technology companies like Google. 20 marks

·         Internal

o   Customer feedback

o   Employee suggestions

o   Research and development department

·         External

o   Media

o   Competitors

27. For a business to survive it needs to grow and expand. Evaluate two methods of expansion 20 marks

There are two main methods of expansion:

1. Organic Expansion

Natural, slow internal expansion

  • Increase Sales

Selling more products and making more profit. A business can do this by improving their marketing mix.

Nintendo did this by bringing out a new game 'More Brain Training'. This new product hit a new older target market. They promoted the product with PR, using Nicole Kidman to endorse it. Sales grew and the company expanded.

  • Franchising

This is when an original owner (franchiser) grants permission to other entrepreneurs (franchisee) to use their idea, as they created it for a fee.

McDonald's is a franchise, it has expanded globally this way. Every McDonald's franchise using the same products, the same promotion, the same decor.

2. Inorganic Expansion

Quicker expansion using external sources.

  • Strategic Alliance / Joint Venture

When two businesses come together to work on a single project. The business each maintain their own identity. Both businesses benefit sharing, time, resources and expertise.

The watch company Swatch and the car manufacturer Mercedes came together and created the SMART (Swatch Mercedes Art) car. This allowed both companies expanded into new areas

  • Merger / Amalgamation

When two businesses join together to form one larger, stronger business. In a merger the businesses join together permanently.

Irish Life, an insurance company and Irish Permanent, a building society merged in 1999 to form Irish life and permanent PLC. They expanded to form a larger financial services company.


28. Discuss the short term and long term implications of business expansion using the following headings:

Organisation structure, Product mix, profitability, Employment 20 marks

·         Organisation Structure

Short term: the structure of the business will need to change with growth.  If expansion happens with a merger or take over the business would change the line structure so there would be 1 CEO rather than 2.

Long term: the structure would need to change over time, as the business grows there will be more delegation/ project work and new teams.  The business could use a Matrix structure.

o   Product mix,

Short term:


Long term:


o   profitability,

Short term:

Long term:


o   Employment

Short term:

Long term:

29. An Irish company, ' All weather Wellies Ltd' identified a niche market for colourful wellington boots of all sizes. The wellington boots are sold mainly online to people wh enjoy the 'great outdoors' and festival goers. The company wishes to expand and add accessories, such as umbrellas, scarves and hats to the product range.

a. Outline the market research techniques available in developing the product range for All weather Wellies Ltd' . 20 marks

Desk Research


Field research


b. Explain the term 'market segmentation' with reference to All weather Wellies Ltd'. Discuss the reasons why marketing department of All weather Wellies Ltd' might engage in market segmentation. 20 marks

·         Splits a market

o   Demographic........

o   Geographic.........

·         Identifies a specific target market


·         Increase Sales

o   If target a neglected segment ..........


·         lower costs

o   Avoids spending budget marketing to consumers outside the target market


c. Outline the factors a marketing manager might consider in determining the selling price of products at All weather Wellies Ltd' . 20 marks

·         Target market income

·         Price of competitors products

·         Will they cover their costs

·         Have they a successful brand name

·         Is the product in high demand

·         Is the product new and unknown

30. Illustrate the types of pricing strategies businesses could adopt for their product / service 20 marks

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