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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Class work and homework by date and topic 6th year 2013 214

Tuesday 19th November 2013

  • Revision of economic variables
  • Practise answering exam question in given time
  • Questions covered in class
    • Inflation 2003 SQ9
      Interest rates 2006 Q2 b
      Unemployment 2011 Q2 a
      Tax 2009 Q2 c
  • Class discussion about Community development
    • Exchange rates 2010 SQ3

Wednesday 20th November 2013

  •  Community development
  • Importance of Community Development

    • 2003 Q2 b

Friday 22ndNovember 2013

  • Community Development Organisations
  • County and City Enterprise boards
  • 2011Q2 c
    • 2007 Q2b

Monday 25th November 2013

      • Area Partnership
        • 2005 Q2 b
      • FÁS
        • 2008 SQ 8

      Study for test on Community Development
      You must know:
  • Definition of community development
  • Importance of community development
  • Benefits of business to a community
  • Benefits of a community to business
  • The role of the following organisations:
    • County and city enterprise boards
    • Area partnership
    • FÁS
Friday 22ndNovember 2013
  • Community Development Organisations
  • County and City Enterprise boards
  • 2011Q2 c

    • 2007 Q2b

Tuesday 26th November 2013

  • Social Responsibility
  • Ethical business
    • 2006SQ3
  • Ethics with stakeholders
    • 2009 Q2 b
  • How to be more ethical

          2012 Q2 c

 Wednesday 27thNovember 2013

  • The environment
  • Characteristics of an environmental business
  • Responsibilities of an environmental business


          2010 Q2 a

Friday  29th November 2013

  • Benefits of being socially responsible
  • Costs of being socially responsible
    • 2007 Q2 c
  • Revenue from social responsibility


          2005 Q2 c
          Note : Evaluate
          In my opinion (bring in statement)............

          Monday 2nd December Unit 7 in brief

          Balance of Trade and Payments
  • Meanings of key words
    Exam Papers
    2011 SQ5 a
    2006 SQ10 a
  • Calculating balance of trade and payments
      • Example book p430
        • 2011 SQ5 b
        • 2006 SQ10 b note: total - invisible = visible
2013 Q3 a

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

International trade

  • Why import
  • why export / opportunities
  • challenges to import
Exam papers
2013 Q3 b
  • barriers to import
Exam Papers
2010 SQ8

  • ICT and international trade
Exam papers 2012 Q3 a
  • government assistance for international trade
  • changes in international trade
2012 Q3 b
2002 SQ9
2008 SQ4
2012 SQ9
2007 SQ6

Wednesday 4th December 2013

  • EU Institutions
  • EU decision making 2006 Q3a(i)
Exam Questions

2010 SQ4
2009 SQ10
2004 SQ8
2005 Q3 b

Thursday 5th December 2013

  • EU Policy
Exam Questions

2005 Q3b (i) note : state, explain, why important to Ireland
2006 Q3b

Monday 9th December 2013

  • EU Special Interest Groups
  • EU Directive and Regulation
  • SEM
Exam papers
2013 SQ9
2007 SQ7
2007 Q3 c

 Tuesday 10th December 2013

  • Transnational Companies
    • reasons for development
    • advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Global Marketing
    • Define
    • Global Marketing Mix
    • Importance of Global marketing
  • Went over all Unit 7 Short Questions
2013    9
2012    9
2011    5
2010    4,8
2009    10
2008    4
2007    3,6
2006    10
2004    8
2002    9
  • Went over and planned Unit 7 long questions
Have a lovely Christmas and your Christmas Homework is on blog

Tuesday 7th January 2014

Class work:  see blue questions for Unit 1 revision and answer guidelines


1.Evaluate the role of the Director of Equality Investigations in solving conflicts in business. 20 marks 8 minutes
2. Under the terms of the Unfair dismissals Act 1977/1993 illustrate
  • The grounds for dismissal that are deemed unfair 20 marks 8 minutes
  • The grounds for dismissal that are deemed fair 20 marks 8 minutes
  • The methods of redress for an unfair dismissal, 15 marks 6 minutes
See unit 1 guidelines for help

Wednesday 8th January 2014

Class work- see orange section in Unit 1 revision
answers in guideline blog

    Q 12 and 13 in unit 1 revision blog
    Help with answers in guideline blog


Friday 10th January 2014

Q19-23 on revision sheet
Friday 24 - 26
Saturday 27-31
See unit 1 guidelines for help

Monday 13th January 2014

Class work
Answered revision questions 15,16,17 &18
Went over exam papers to make sure we could answer every Q1
Finish going over exam papers
Bring in all SQ on unit 1 done over Christmas holidays

Tuesday 14th January 2014

Class work
  • Answered all unit 1 short questions
  • Explained 'letters' and 2 functions of each
Study for Fridays test on unit 1
  • 1 long unit 1 question
  • 2 short questions
  • 1 case study question

Wednesday 15th January 2014

Class work

Case studies
2009 (c)
2004 (b)

Study for Fridays test on unit 1
  • 1 long unit 1 question
  • 2 short questions
  • 1 case study question

Friday 17th January 2014

Class work
unit 1 test

Unit 2 & 3 key words and word maps into notes copy and learn.

Monday 20th January 2014

Class work
unit 1 test correction

Enterprise General Questions Q1-3 (see answer guidelines for unit 2)

  • Finish enterprise q1-3
  • Test corrections
  • Unit 2 test Friday 24th January
  • Unit 1 repeat test (optional test) Monday 27th January @ lunch time (bring your lunch)

Tuesday 21st January

Class finished general questions and short questions for unit 2
Study for Friday's test

Wednesday 22nd January

Went over all unit 2 case studies

Answer case studies into copy

Friday 24th January

Test on unit 2

Revise unit 1 - test on Monday Lunch Time

Monday 27th January 2014

Test corrected
Unit 3 Q 1-3

Test on unit 2 corrections
Finish Q1-3 (unit 3) into copy.  Answers on blog.
Learn Controlling NB

Tuesday 28th January

Class Unit 3 Q 4-12

Unit 3 Q13 and 14
See answer guide for help

Wednesday 29th January

Class Q 15&16 unit 3

Unit 3 Q 17, 18 &19

Friday 31st January 2014

Class Q 20& 21

Homework Q 22,23,24&25


Test next Friday Unit 3 General Questions and Short Questions

Monday 3rd February 2014

Unit 3 general questions 26, 27,28, 29

Q 30 and 31


Tuesday 4th February 2014

Unit 3 short questions 2002- 2005

Unit 3 short questions 2006 and 2007

Wednesday 5th February 2014

Short questions 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013

TEST on Friday:

Unit 3
Short questions x 3
Long Question x1

Friday 7th February

Class Test on Unit 3

Homework Study for Mocks
Bring Papers to school on Monday


Monday 10th February

Revision of Management Skills
Template for Case Study Skills answer given in class
2004 and 2010 case (c)

Learn template for Management Skills answer
Remember 30 points = 2 points under each heading


Tuesday 11th February

Class works
Answered 2004 case into copy
Management Activities
Read all Unit 3 case studies and answered orally

Study for test tomorrow on Unit 3 case study

Wednesday 12th February

Test on Unit 3 case study
Mock Exam Guidelines

Study for Mock
See guidelines Blog

Monday 10th March

Keywords and diagrams for unit 6

Unit 6 general questions 1-4

Homework finish general question 1-4
Guideline provided on blog

Tuesday 11th March

Unit 6 general questions 6-13
see answer guidelines

Unit 6 general question 14 See answer guidelines for help

Wednesday 12th March

Unit 6 general questions 14-16
see answer guidelines

Unit 6 general questions, finish 16 and do 17&18 See answer guidelines for help

Friday 14th March

Unit 6 general questions 19-20
see answer guidelines

Unit 6 general questions 21-24 See answer guidelines for help

Tuesday 18th March

Class work Unit 6 general questions 25 - 30

Homework Unit 6 general questions 31-32

Wednesday 19th March

Class work 33-34
List of Short Questions

Answer short questions into papers
Study General Questions for test next Tuesday

Monday 24th March

Mock results back
Unit 6 short questions

Study for test

Tuesday 25th March

Class work
Unit 6 test
Unit 5 General Questions 1-3

Finish General Questions

Wednesday 26th March

Unit 5 general question 4-5
Unit 6 test back

Homework unit 5 general questions finish classwork and Q6,7,8

Friday 28th March

Unit 5 general questions 9-17 done orally in class with focus on evaluations and illustrations

Answer all questions into copy - sheets given in class

Monday 31st March

Answered Unit 5 Q18,19,20 (Sheets given in class)

Homework Unit 5 Q21 & 22
Sheets given in class

Tuesday 1st April

Finished Unit 6 general questions

Make sure all general questions are answered in notes copy
Study for Fridays test

Wednesday 2nd April

Unit 6 short questions - handout given in class

Answer short question into notes copy and study for test.

Friday 4th April


Short Question. 10 marks

1. Name and illustrate 3 types of production.

General Question. 60 marks

2. a.  As part of its feasibility study for a new product, Moore Ltd supplies the following financial information:

Forecast Output (Sales) 40,000 units

Selling price per unit €20

Fixed Costs €300,000

Variable Cost per unit €10

i. Illustrate by means of breakeven chart the following:

a. The breakeven point

b. Profit at forecast output

c. The margin of safety output

ii. Outline one other function of a feasibility study for Moore Ltd. 25marks

b. What is a Business Plan?

Explain its role in business start up 20 marks

c. Distinguish between debt and equity capital as sources of finance for the expansion of a business. 15 marks


Read book p153 - 266 Unit 4

Monday 7th April

Unit 4 short questions based on ratios

2004 Q6 B
All Ratio Sq 2013, 2011, 2006, 2005, 2004

Tuesday 8th April

classwork :  Finished unit 4 short questions
Went over Easter homework and plan of work for term 3
Finish writing unit 4 short questions into copy and study for Fridays test.

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