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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Community Development

Community Development

  • Regenerating a local area
  • Encouraging enterprise at a local level
  • Government establish community development organisations to aid community development

The importance of development of local economies / communities:

  • Encourages entrepreneurship
People in the community see their friends and neighbours set up businesses and this gives them the motivation and courage to set up a business too.

  • Creates jobs
If business locates in an area this will create jobs for people in the area.  This employment will provide people with a higher standard of living than was available to them on social welfare.

  • Source of income for the government
Business and their staff pay tax.  Tax is a source of current income for the government.

  • Brings prosperity
Developing an area improves facilities in the area and creates a sense of pride, locals will enjoy living there and will remain there.  This keeps the community alive

How business help communities:
  • Provide employment
  • Provide products and services
  • Encourage entrepreneurship
  • Sponsor local events

How communities can help business:

  • Shop local
  • Provide loyal staff
  • Promote the local business

    Exam Papers
    2003 Q2 b

Community Development Organisations

The government have an interest in developing local communities and have set up organisations to assist such initiatives.
Some of these organisations include:
  • County and city Enterprise Boards
  • Area Partnership
  • FÁS
These Community Development Organisations:
  • Provide grants
  • Provide training
  • Provide a mentor
  • Provide assistance

County and City Enterprise Boards

Help small start up business
Read book p.411
  • Dublin City Enterprise Board
  • Limerick City Enterprise Board
  • Donegal County Enterprise Board
  • Provide grants
  • Provide training
  • Provide a mentor
  • Provide assistance

  • Exam Papers
    1. 2011 Q2 c
    2. 2007 Q2 b

     Area Partnership Companies

    Helps disadvantaged areas
    Read book p.410
    • Northside Partnership

    • Galway City Partnership
  • Provide grants
  • Provide training
  • Provide a mentor
  • Provide assistance

  • Exam Papers
    2005 Q2b

    FÁS Community Employment Programme

    Changing to SOLAS in 2014
    Helps people gain employment
    Go to FÁS web page

  • Provide grants
  • FAS give financial assistance to unemployed people setting up a business that will help the local community and provide jobs to others
  • Provide training
  • There are a number of course  options available including day courses (full-time or part-time), evening courses, on line courses and blended learning courses.  FAS offer courses in numerous areas from ECDL to apprenticeships.
  • Provide assistance
  • FAS assist the unemployed getting back to work.  They advertise jobs and offer career guidance counselling.
  • Provide work experience
  • FAS help unemployed gain work experience an d contacts in the world of work.  This experience can be then included in the unemployed persons CVand can often lead to full time employment.  FAS will pay the unemployed person for the duration of their work experience.

    Exam papers
    2008 SQ 8

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